Friday, May 8, 2009

Lipstick Lesbians? Not According to Desperate Housewives.

I'm not loving Desperate Housewives lately. Nothing about it has been happy. Yes I know that May sweeps and all the drama that goes with them are upon us. I'm also not loving how the show has dealt with lesbian issues this season either, with Susan's co-worker crushing on her and making a fool of herself. But this week really pissed me off. It was just one line, and you might have missed it, but it was enough.

Let's go back and get some context. Eva Longoria's character Gabby's six year daughter wants to wear make-up and when they fight, Carlos suggests that neither of them wear makeup to a fancy dinner. Of course Gabby freaks (who wouldn't?!). In complaining about her less than glamorous situation at the event she says to Carlos:

"As long as you don't mind people thinking you're out on the town with your anemic, lesbian sister."

Lame. Oh so lame. So many things wrong. First, being unattractive is associated with being a lesbian. Boo. And secondly, lesbians don't wear makeup? Hello! It's called LIPSTICK lesbian for a reason. Ellen is a Cover Girl! Lesbians can - gasp! - be as beautiful as any other woman! For shame, writers. For. Shame.

The "Anemic Lesbian" look. Funny how she still looks amazing.

Okay, not as much when she frowns, but c'mon it's still Eva Longoria.

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