carmen: I know how hard you work to keep yourself at a distance from everyone else on the planet, but it's not working for you anymore.
shane: It's working fine.
carmen: No, it's not, because of this. (puts shane's hand on her heart, then puts her hand on shane's heart) Okay? Do you feel this? Most people don't have this. This is rare.
shane: So what?
carmen: That's right. So what? So what if nothing ever comes out of this? So what, if you'll never act on it? You are so convinced that having a relationship near you is going to kill you.
shane: Because it will.
carmen: And that's why I'm with Jenny. It works because she and I are both biding our time, waiting for the real deal to come along.
shane: You don't think you and Jenny are the real deal?
carmen: Jenny wouldn't know what the real deal was if it bit her in the ass. She is so lost in her own darkness. I think she likes it in there. But do you know what's fucked up? Is that you and I know what the real deal is. We saw it the first time we laid eyes on each other. You're not living your life, Shane. And if you don't take any risks then you might as well be dead.